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Happy New Year from Fifteen!

January 1, 2024

All year we’ve provided you with the latest news, trends and helpful guides and we hope our blog content has been keeping you all updated and educated on everything surrounding our business and our industry.

We provided you with some great guides in 2023, and they’ll be just as useful in the new year. We aim to provide you with guides that give you a better understanding of how to execute a skill or tool correctly. We also want to ensure you are provided with the right knowledge that’s easy enough to understand.

Here are some of our most popular guides:

Your Facebook ads checklist for effective optimisation in 2024

By optimising your Facebook ads, you have a lot to gain in terms of company income. It creates large numbers of engagements, which in turn yield a large number of conversions. In this guide, we share our Facebook ads checklist for effective optimisation for the new year, and we share some tips on how to target your audience to ensure you’re getting the most out of your budget. 

6 web design trends for 2024

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, so too does the world of web design. What was trendy and cutting-edge a few years ago, may now be outdated and stale. That’s why staying ahead of the newest web design trends is crucial to creating a visually appealing and user-friendly website. In this guide, we explore six key trends that are guaranteed to make a big impact.

8 ways to improve your website security

You might understand the importance of keeping your website protected from hackers, but once you go down the rabbit hole of website vulnerabilities, you’ll be confronted with a host of complicated concepts and solutions. That’s why in this guide, we provide some basic best practices that you can follow to strengthen your website security.

Happy New Year!

Besides everything we provided for you here on our website, via our services and through general enquiries, the whole team at Fifteen wish you all the best for the new year.

Whether you’re a long-time loyal client or you’re a newbie to our family, we are here to help provide you with digital solutions for 2024. We’ve had a blast keeping our clients happy and being on-top to meet expectations in 2023 and we can’t wait to keep it up in the new year.

Of course, stay in tuned with our blog as we’ll continue to provide many useful resources to all. Be sure to contact us if you have any questions about any of our services, including digital marketing, web design and web development




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