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What are Trust Signals and How Do They Help Businesses Thrive

September 30, 2020

Any meeting about updating a website or creating a new site will always include a discussion about trust signals. In an increasingly competitive digital landscape, brands and businesses need to do everything they can to get ahead of their competition. Trust signals can often be the difference between a conversion and a click away, so don’t overlook these little signals. 

If you’re scratching your head wondering what counts as a trust signal? Fear not. Here are some surefire trust signals that consciously and subconsciously build trust with your audience. 

What are trust signals?

Trust signals are logos, visuals, reviews and any other graphical assets that sit on your site. These signals reinforce your professionalism, service, and trust. Trust signals can also be subconscious markers. Website copy with no spelling errors, links to reputable sites, and high-quality imagery are a few examples. 

Website security certificates

This one goes without saying but having ‘HTTPS’ at the front of your URL is critical to trust. Without up-to-date SSL certificates, your website will come across as vulnerable to malware and viruses, and some search engines may even warn visitors that a site is unsafe before they click through. Reliable security is a must for any e-commerce sites as people will have to put in banking details. 

Make sure you have up-to-date security; it’s a cornerstone of good website practice. 

Awards and Accreditations

Accreditations and awards are markers from the industry that your goods and services are sound. These are especially useful trust signals when working in B2B contexts. Customers will be familiar with the accreditations necessary and the testing required to win awards and accreditations. These simple logos placed on the homepage will help confirm your authority. 

About Us

This one seems a little odd to include but even with most businesses moving online people still like to see a human face. Creating a bespoke About Us page/section and telling your customers about who you are, what you do, and why you do it can help them connect with you and link a human connection to your brand. This trust can be built; through USPs such as experience, location, customer experience, and humble beginnings. 

Partnerships and Brands

We associate a lot of meaning with brands and logos. For example, if you work within the motor industry and you partner with BMW, adding their logo or name to your partner’s list will show that you are a brand that works with tried and trusted names. A few logos add immeasurable value to your brand identity and shows off the level of your work. Create a section on your site for partners or projects; near the footer is often a great place to highlight these connections. You can also double up on the SEO value by creating case studies and linking them to trusted brands and partners. Who knows, one day someone may use your brand to build trust.


Customer feedback is another great way to show transparency and customer experience. Adding widgets to review sites, social media, or even adding a quotes section can help prospective customers decide on whether or not to complete a transaction with you. It’s important to remember that if you use reviews, you should respond to them timeously and professionally. A lot of people put stock in how you react to criticism and praise.

Social Media Presence

A social media presence is another part of the digital landscape and, one people often look at before making a decision. Whether you are a hairdresser, a construction company, or a law firm, there are social media platforms designed to help you reach your audience. Keep on top of your social media or hire a specialist to do so and, you’ll see users flock to your site. 

Images and Content

Last, but not least is the quality of your content. Make sure your copy is interesting, helpful, and free of errors. You should also make sure that they are easy to understand and only link to internal pages or reputable external pages. Spelling errors, subconsciously, make users think your site is less professional and if you can overlook a spelling error, what’s to say you won’t make an error on an order or a project? 

High-quality, bespoke images speak a thousand words. Photo of your teams onsite, the products you make or any other proof can convince a user that you are who you say you are. Avoid generic and low-quality images, and also try to stick to a similar a syle. Continuity and quality are paramount. 

At Fifteen, we have spent years mastering the mystical arts of SEO and can help you reach new heights. Whether you want more bookings, sales, or even just visibility, we can assist you with market-leading expertise. Contact us today to find out more. 




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