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Website of the Year Awards 2015 – Voting Now Open!

September 21, 2015

Earlier in the year, Fifteen announced that the collaborative website projects between Fifteen and Hendrix Media, IKCA and Orphans In Need, had been nominated for the prestigious Website of the Year Awards 2015. Both websites have been nominated in the Charity category, and are up against some very tough competition.

Who are IKCA and Orphans In Need?

The Imran Khan Cancer Appeal (IKCA) and Orphans In Need are two great charities, both working to help two very different groups of people. Whilst IKCA work to help provide free cancer treatment for those unable to afford it in Pakistan, Orphans In Need work towards supporting orphans and widows in eastern countries.

Imran Khan Cancer Appeal (IKCA)

ikca responsive

Cricket legend Imran Khan was personally effected by cancer as he watched his mother’s struggle. Spending time with his mother in cancer wards, Imran was able to see what treatment was available and at what cost. He began to question how the poor were able to cope with a disease that is so devastating, and so costly to treat. The Imran Khan Cancer Appeal was set up to help provide free cancer treatment for those who are unable to afford it in Pakistan. They have helped thousands of people.

Orphans In Need


Orphans In Need allows you to sponsor an orphan, sending money to help provide them with essentials to improve their quality of life. In addition, you can donate to the charity directly, and they will use the money to help improve the lives of orphans and widows in eastern countries. Help they provide includes building Orphans’ Villages, offering a safe environment, providing food, clothing, medicine, toys, and education.

Why Should I Vote?

Not only will your vote help shed further light on these amazing causes, but there’s something in it for you too. Every vote for IKCA and Orphans In Need will enter you into a draw for some great prizes, including the following:

How Do I Vote?

Voting for each website is easy. Simply go to and follow these instructions:

Alternatively, you can click the links below:

There are two awards available in each category, so if you vote for both websites, both of these charities can get the recognition they deserve.

It is an honour for both us and the charities to be nominated alongside such big names in this industry, and we’re confident that we can use this as an opportunity to help raise further awareness of these amazing charities, whilst recognizing the great work that Fifteen has done.

For award winning web design, contact the Fifteen team today.




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